A separate flow type, to stop other flows.

3 votes

This feature being implemented as an actual flow, would allow to manage connectivity between flows, in more complex scenarios. Currently, the same behaviour is achieveable with internal API usage, however this leads to ambiguous flows, as they only contain the ID's, rather than a concrete relation to the flow. If this was implemented as a separate flow, the "Find Usage" button will also show the relation, to avoid any problems of that kind.

As an example for how this type of flow can be used. It would be possible, to set up automatic maintenance windows for CDC patterns (scheduled stopping). Or in scheduled nested flows, rather than setting a rule, that X flow can not be running, when starting the schedule, the schedule will start a nested flow that stops the X flow, if it is already running.

Ideally, the flow would allow you to select other flows from a dropdown, and should wait for the specific flow to actually be stopped, rather than cancelled with running tasks.

Under consideration Suggested by: Heiko Parmas Upvoted: 06 Dec, '24 Comments: 2

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